Members of the German HPE visit UAB Juodeliai

This spring, UAB Juodeliai, which is one of the leading producers of wooden pallet elements in Europe, was admitted to the German Federal Association for Wooden Packaging, Pallets and Export Packaging (HPE) as a guest member. On 27 April, UAB Juodeliai representatives attended an HPE meeting in Germany for the first time, and last week they invited members of the association to visit Lithuania.

A delegation of 26 HPE members, made up of German wooden packaging manufacturers and wood processors, visited UAB Juodeliai’s largest production unit, which is located in Marijampolė. The guests had the opportunity to see not only the factory that is already in operation, but also the new factory that is being built nearby and is expected to be fully operational by the end of this year.

Company representatives hope that this visit will become a catalyst for closer cooperation between UAB Juodeliai and HPE.

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